How to Save Time and Money on Chinking

More often than not, your log cabin will require chinking to seal the joints between your logs.
A few cabin styles may not require chinking, but you may still choose to use it for aesthetic purposes. The look of chinking is reminiscent of the old-time cement used on log cabins during the Frontier era, and can make your cabin look rustic.
Regardless of the reason behind your chinking, tips to save time and money on the process is something every homeowner wishes they had.
Below are four ways you can potentially save yourself hours, effort and cash on your next chinking application.
Choosing Quality Product
Whether you’re chinking your cabin for the first time or looking to restore existing chinking, choosing high-quality material that won’t force you to backtrack and reapply is an important factor in saving time and money.
Some chinking material can be difficult to apply or is prone to blistering. We recommend Triple Stretch Textured Log Home Chinking to avoid these headaches.
This material is heavy duty, so it stays in place throughout application. It also doesn’t collect on your brush or trowel, which saves you time, energy and money on having to wash out brushes or buy new ones.
Proper Application
Apply your chinking properly so you don’t spend extra time and money on multiple applications or making up for mishaps.
Read this in-depth chinking guide on chinking to make sure you’ve got the technique down before you waste your time or material.
Conserve on Restoration
If you’re restoring existing chinking, you don’t have to buy all new chinking material with each restoration.
Because chinking materials are largely latex-based, most products will bond with each other. You can save money by using the same material you used for your last chinking application.
If you’re installing chinking to a new structure, we suggest installing a backer rod before applying your chinking material.
Backer rod installation will allow the sealant to expand and contract at a faster rate, so you won’t lose time and money on multiple applications of chinking.
Stain Compatibility
Be sure to choose chinking and stain products that are compatible. It’s wise to purchase a stain and chinking from the same manufacturer in order to avoid any unnecessary problems down the road.